St. Louis City

Nov. 5, 2024

General election results for the St. Louis region. All results are unofficial. Tables do not include write-in candidates, uncontested races or races where there are fewer candidates than seats available. When a race or proposition spans multiple counties, a combined vote total is shown. Judicial retentions are listed at the end of the results.

Note: Because St. Louis City voters can vote at any polling place, individual contests are not considered "closed" until all polling places have reported.

St. Louis Proposition B

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%) • At least 60% needed to pass measure

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - For the measure 50,410 47.4%
No - Against the measure 55,925 52.6%

St. Louis Proposition S

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%) • More than 50% needed to pass measure

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - For the measure 75,001 67.5%
No - Against the measure 36,041 32.5%

St. Louis Proposition T

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%) • At least 60% needed to pass measure

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - For the measure 98,211 88.5%
No - Against the measure 12,758 11.5%

St. Louis Proposition V

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%) • At least 60% needed to pass measure

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - For the measure 87,468 79.8%
No - Against the measure 22,088 20.2%

St. Louis Sheriff

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Joy Denise Dabney (L) 14,878 14.1%
Alfred Montgomery (D) 90,658 85.9%

St. Louis Treasurer

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Don De Vivo (G) 2,956 2.7%
Adam Layne (D) 87,649 79.6%
Jerry Vanderwier (R) 19,551 17.8%

Judicial Retentions

Associate Circuit Judge - Catherine A. Dierker

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 53,628 57.9%
No - Do not retain 39,002 42.1%

Associate Circuit Judge - Michael J. Colona

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 56,876 61.4%
No - Do not retain 35,709 38.6%

Associate Circuit Judge - Nicole Colbert-Botchway

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 62,522 67.4%
No - Do not retain 30,292 32.6%

Associate Circuit Judge - Rochelle Monea Woodiest

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 59,872 64.5%
No - Do not retain 32,981 35.5%

Circuit Judge - Craig K. Higgins

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 54,638 58.8%
No - Do not retain 38,322 41.2%

Circuit Judge - Jason M. Sengheiser

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 55,126 59.3%
No - Do not retain 37,918 40.8%

Circuit Judge - Joan L. Moriarty

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 57,937 62.4%
No - Do not retain 34,973 37.6%

Circuit Judge - Lynne R. Perkins

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 60,494 65.0%
No - Do not retain 32,558 35.0%

Circuit Judge - Michael W. Noble

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 59,896 64.5%
No - Do not retain 32,945 35.5%

Circuit Judge - Paula Perkins Bryant

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 61,854 66.5%
No - Do not retain 31,138 33.5%

Circuit Judge - Theresa Counts Burke

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 59,896 64.3%
No - Do not retain 33,209 35.7%

Circuit Judge - Thomas Adrian McCarthy

77 of 77 precincts reporting (100%)

Name Votes Pct.
Yes - Retain 49,271 53.5%
No - Do not retain 42,848 46.5%